USDA Farm Service Agency
Grassroots Source Water Protection
Source water protection specialists help communities develop locally driven plans to protect the ground and surface waters that are the source of water for that community. Through comprehensive planning efforts that identify potential threats to the water supply, communities proactively maintain local sources of safe and clean water. Additionally, by developing and implementing a source water protection plan, communities can help minimize the future need for expensive upgrades to treatment facilities.
Grassroots Source Water Protection
Source water protection specialists help communities develop locally driven plans to protect the ground and surface waters that are the source of water for that community. Through comprehensive planning efforts that identify potential threats to the water supply, communities proactively maintain local sources of safe and clean water. Additionally, by developing and implementing a source water protection plan, communities can help minimize the future need for expensive upgrades to treatment facilities.
HRWA is so proud of our now Executive Director, Juanita Reyher-Colon (prior Source Water Specialist), for her mana'o shared and for representing HRWA to our core. View video above or click button to the left for more information.
To assist rural and small communities served by public water systems to reduce or eliminate the potential risks to drinking water supplies through the development of Source Water Protection Plans and providing assistance to entities for the implementation of contamination prevention measures.
1. Coordinate activities and facilitate the process of source water protection planning and implementation.
2. Provide professional one-on-one "on-site" assistance and training to rural and small communities in implementing source water protection plans.
3. Provide liaison and assistance in the development of source water protection plans.
4. Coordinate with state, county and local agencies in identifying and prioritizing areas for source water protection programs.
5. Facilitate coordination, communication and collaboration between the rural and small community, multi-jurisdictional entities, and local, county, state and federal agencies in the development and implementation of the source water protection plans.
6. Provide outreach material to rural and small communities.
Each source water protection plan will include the following:
- A map outlining the source water protection area
- Source water inventories
- Potential contaminant source inventories
- Define each entity’s area of responsibility/authority in relation to potential sources from contamination
- Preventative measures that may be initiated by each entity
- A contingency plan that will consist of a strategy for supplying safe water to the consumer in the event of contamination or disruption of service
- A Steering Committee to review and update the plan and follow through on preventative measure commitments from each entity
To assist rural and small communities served by public water systems to reduce or eliminate the potential risks to drinking water supplies through the development of Source Water Protection Plans and providing assistance to entities for the implementation of contamination prevention measures.
1. Coordinate activities and facilitate the process of source water protection planning and implementation.
2. Provide professional one-on-one "on-site" assistance and training to rural and small communities in implementing source water protection plans.
3. Provide liaison and assistance in the development of source water protection plans.
4. Coordinate with state, county and local agencies in identifying and prioritizing areas for source water protection programs.
5. Facilitate coordination, communication and collaboration between the rural and small community, multi-jurisdictional entities, and local, county, state and federal agencies in the development and implementation of the source water protection plans.
6. Provide outreach material to rural and small communities.
Each source water protection plan will include the following:
- A map outlining the source water protection area
- Source water inventories
- Potential contaminant source inventories
- Define each entity’s area of responsibility/authority in relation to potential sources from contamination
- Preventative measures that may be initiated by each entity
- A contingency plan that will consist of a strategy for supplying safe water to the consumer in the event of contamination or disruption of service
- A Steering Committee to review and update the plan and follow through on preventative measure commitments from each entity