What's Happening?
It's time to stand up and support those who champion Rural America!USDA Rural Development's Water and Environmental Programs (WEP) have been a steadfast ally to rural communities, aiding in essential upgrades to our water and wastewater facilities. However, current Congressional policies and funding decisions are putting these communities at risk. Budget cuts threaten to undermine USDA WEP's ability to fulfill its mission. WEP plays a crucial role in boosting economic opportunities, safeguarding public health, maintaining affordable water access, and ensuring the sustainability of rural communities.
We'd love your feedback!
Hawaii Rural Water Association, in partnership with the National Rural Water Association (NRWA) is conducting an important research study to understand the needs and challenges of the rural water and wastewater workforce. As you know, our nation’s small and rural water and wastewater operators rarely receive the credit they deserve. Our goal is to use the results of this survey to advocate for water professionals like you, ensuring that your voice is heard at the state and national levels and that you receive the resources you deserve. All respondents will be able to access a high-level summary of the findings. Your participation is critical to help ensure the future success of the rural water workforce. Please respond today by clicking the link below.
The survey is being administered by third-party consulting firm McKinley Advisors and will close on August 30, 2024. Please note, the survey is formatted to only allow one survey response per computer/device. This is to ensure the integrity of the data collected and prevent multiple responses from the same individual. Thank you in advance for your time, insight and contribution to Rural Water. |
Associate Members & Partners
Drop us a line and let us know how we can better serve you!
Phone: (808) 315-8925
Email: [email protected] 68-1845 Waikoloa Rd. #218-385212 Waikoloa, HI 96738 PO Box 385212 Waikoloa, HI 96738 |
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Saturday & Sunday Closed |
All information © Hawai'i Rural Water Association